Risk Assessment

Every project has risks. Those risks range from product market assessment confidence to technical challenges to staffing. Your Development Team can help mitigate most of those risks.

The criteria for identifying a risk varies wildly from project to project. For example, in an R & D project designed to mature an algorithm, lack of algorithm maturity is the project objective, while it would likely be an unacceptable risk when developing a commercial product.

  • If so invited, we can provide critical evaluation of product market assessment. This would be most valuable if the product serves one of the many markets where we can offer domain expertise
  • We mitigate staffing risks by providing development resources to help fill the gap.
  • Technical risks are mitigated by our approach to development
    In pre-development or early development project phases, untested concepts and untested implementations are identified, categorized and prioritized.Untested concepts are addressed first by utilizing existing experimental demonstration environments and / or rapid prototyping environments to exercise the concept with a focus on clarifying the risk

    Risks that could likely affect hardware or implementation tool selections are prototyped using the preferred selections.

    Other risks are prototyped in an environment appropriate for the purpose.